Sunday, June 6, 2021

Witch Project: Week #3 Hi-Res cont'd

 Well this week was a huge fail, kept hitting pretty much every roadblock possible - getting smothered by other deadlines, personal stuff, and just a general struggle getting certain aspects of this project working. I was already behind so this is pretty discouraging! I'm going to spend the next couple of days really crunching the rest of the hi-res. Once done, I want to get clean polygroups, figure out my way around Zremesher to get acceptable topo, UVs, then break my brain trying to figure out how to make jelly. I believe I'm going to have to make a goo shader in Unreal and figure out how to mask some parts so they're more opaque on top of just the regular texture so...!

Basically I'm probably going to either die (dramatic) or just take a 5th week to put together a final presentation even though it'll bleed into my next project. This project was def too complicated for a first project but I'm gonna make it work somehow no matter what, though!

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