Monday, February 22, 2021

Nerf Project Hi-Res...still............................

 I'm still playing catch up. :') My goal is to get the game-res and UVs knocked out before the end of the week so I can spend all day in cozy as hell texture land over the weekend. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Nerf Project Hi-Res Week 2

I'm dragging behind this week as well but I'm fairly confident I can catch up. I've learned quite a bit already but the biggest lesson I've learned thus far is that hard surface modeling is NOT for me! I can't wait to delve into characters- organic, soft surfaces just make so much more sense to my brain. 

Here are some works in progress.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Nerf Project Hi-Res Week 1

 THIS TOOK SO LONG. I'm still working on it tonight, will update when I'm caught up with the material!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

VR Project: Corpse Bride - Turn-in #1

Semester 2 of common art class consists of us creating a VR experience based off of an existing film scene. My team is doing the piano duet scene from Corpse Bride and I've been mainly tasked with the creation of Emily's body while Katie takes on her head. This sprint consisted mainly of me doing research into character modeling (namely body blockout techniques, retopology, and reprojection which I'm still shaky on my understanding of) and looking into Marvelous Designer and Substance Designer as potential ways to address Emily's complex dress.

I've never modeled a character from the ground up before so this is a bit of a daunting, but necessary challenge. I haven't gotten very far on my model so far beyond blocking out proportions and carving out some preliminary forms but I am aiming to have her bones and fingers clearly defined next week as well as settling on how exactly I want to approach her dress.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Switchblade Project Pt. 3

This project kicked my butt but I learned a whole bunch. There are lots of things I wish I could've done differently but as much as I struggled with this one, I'm ultimately glad I went through it. I feel like my understanding of certain processes (game res, baking maps) has expanded considerably just through the sheer amount of trial and error I went through. Hopefully the next one won't be as painful!

Demon Axe and Jelly Witch Complete, RIP Cyclops

I finished this all up a week ago and got really nice feedback during my last industry review so.. here ya go! - You can look at more progre...