Friday, July 23, 2021

Corpse Bride Sprint #5

Our team treated Sprint 5 as our tweaks and polish stage, which means these two weeks were fairly relaxed.

I mainly went back to spend more time with Emily in the following ways:

- Fixed her face textures so that it cooperates better with the facial rig, specifically her eyebrows which are textured on. I just made it so they clearly ran along an edge and deformed more cleanly per Abi's specifications.

- Reorganized her hair UVs so that her dissolve effect was distributed correctly. Two of her hair shells were upside down, so I shifted them around and edited the texture maps in Photoshop so that they aligned with the new shell set up.

- Gave her a little "bald cap" the color of her hair on her scalp to make said dissolve effect look better.

- UVed her "little legs" and made it so the UV shells were over the same spot her torso is on the body texture map to help make the clipping look less noticeable. Before her little legs were a significantly darker grey and noticeably stood out. 

- Revisited her roughness map to give certain parts of her more shine (teeth, ribcage, eyeballs) and make her skin look a little more natural in engine. This meant I also tweaked some values in her material itself. It's still rather hard to notice the difference unless you're looking closely due to the bright light on her.

Cool to finally see some facial expressions on her!

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